SDF/Interstellar advisor Jeremy Rubin’s TechCrunch article stipulating that ETH will collapse to $0 received a response from Vitalik. Jeremy tweetstormed a response to Vitalk’s reply, suggesting that if ETH goes to $0, Ethereum PoS consensus can no longer function because it’s dependent on ETH having value, whereas, if lumens go to $0, Stellar consensus can continue because it’s reputational and not economic.
Iran’s biggest banks have forked the Stellar codebase and created a new network called Kuknos with a gold-backed native token called PayMon.
Paul Selden of StellarGuard details the risks involved in setting the low threshold on a multisig account to 0.
Celsius has added lumens, allowing you to earn 3% interest on lumen deposits.
Tyler van der Hoeven describes how he manages repaying his users’ Stellar network transaction fees.